Friday, February 29, 2008


LIGHTS OUT AT 8 P.M., MARCH 29, 2008

With one month to go, 30 million people are set to participate in Earth Hour 2008. At 8 pm on March 29, people around the globe will shut off their lights and power down their televisions to raise awareness of global warming. Read my original posting for more info.

During last year's Earth Hour, 2.2 million people in Sydney, Australia powered-down for one hour. This year, at least 24 cities have signed up, representing as many as 30 million people. In addition, over 56,000 people have registered on Earth Hour’s website, and over 3,000 businesses.

During last year's Sydney event, restaurants used candles and lights were turned off in homes and major landmarks, including the Opera House and the Harbor Bridge. This year, other iconic buildings to be plunged into darkness will include San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, Chicago's Sears Tower, and the 553-metre CN Tower in Toronto.

Cities participating include Sydney, Copenhagen, Manila, Suva, Chicago, Tel Aviv, Christchurch, Toronto, Odense, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Canberra, Atlanta, San Francisco, Bangkok, Ottawa, Dublin, Vancouver, Montreal, Pheonix, and others. Of course you don’t have to live in one of these cities to participate in this unique event: click here to sign up for Earth Hour 2008.


Sources, resources, discourses:

1. Reuters – article
2. Earth Hour - website

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