Friday, January 11, 2008



My name is Nigel Wintergreen. Welcome to my blog.

Like many of y'all, I've been listening to the news about global warming with a growing sense of helpless dread. In book after book, in newspaper after newspaper, in report after report, we are told of an imminent environmental collapse. The problem seems so vast, the statistics so crushing, that the future seems very bleak indeed.

My friends, I assure you that hope is not lost.

Using this blog as my soapbox, I will attempt to persuade you that it is still possible to save our sorry asses from impending apocalypse. I will show you, using evidence from a wide range of sources, that there is a growing number of like-minded people around the world who are working hard to ensure that this bleak future is never realized. Though their efforts often go unrecognized, buried beneath the avalanche of bad news, these efforts make up the tiny jewels of good news that I will present here because I am convinced of the righteousness of their cause, because I am convinced that victory is possible, and because I believe that direct actions, no matter how small, can and will change the world.

This, amigos, is the revolution. Everyone is invited.

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